42 Day Super Kid Challenge
Overcome Fear, Be Positive Thinkers, Conquer Stress and Develop Good Habits
Hey there, it's Sensei Mike, and I’ve got a little secret for you...
Well, actually, I have 2 Secrets for you. =)
But first, I want to let you know about a fast-growing problem that’s become really alarming because it could be happening to your child right now.
I read an article the other day about the skyrocketing number of kids who are experiencing stress, anxiety, and depression.
It said that it’s estimated that about 10 to 15 percent of children and teens are depressed at any given time. Research indicates that one of every four adolescents will have an episode of major depression during high school with the average age of onset being 14 years!
That just blew me away. The thing is… your child could be that one of every four adolescents.
If left untreated, these kids are at much higher risk for suicide which is a leading cause of death during adolescence.
- Are you worried about that happening to your teen, tween or little one?
- Does your child already show signs of stress, worry, depression or anxiety?
- Do they worry even more when they’re in school about things like being bullied, the pressure of getting good grades, school shootings, etc.?
Here’s the 1st Secret…
Did you know that Martial Arts is one of the BEST (and Funnest!) ways for kids to get their body moving and those endorphins going which lowers stress, anxiety and depression and increases mood, motivation and happiness.
Here’s the 2nd Secret…
We’re having a 42 Day Super Kid Transformation Challenge… and it’s going to be So. Much. Fun.!!!
Your child will learn all this and more…
- How to overcome their fears
- Build confidence
- Be positive thinkers
- Conquer stress, worry, anxiety & depression
- Develop good habits so they’ll be successful
Our Special Online Training for kids & parents will change your life in AMAZING ways! This course has a value of $197, but for a limited time, we are giving it away for 100% off!
Be Part of Something New, Really Fun & Life-Changing!